Natural Disasters

For 16 straight years the Philippines has been the number one at-risk country out of 193 for exposure to natural diasters and society's inability to cope with them. Earthquakes and typhoons are the most common with many typhoon deaths coming from mudslides after the storm has passed.

The two largest typhoons in recorded history, Haiyan and Rai, both made landfall in the Philippines in the last decade. Borjan was demolished. Called "Super-typhoons" these storms are our equivalent to our Category 5 hurricanes and their increasing frequency and power is alarming.

The government's ability to respond to remote islands was overwhelmed when both Haiyan and Rai struck but being locally run, the Borjan Childrens Fund was able to secure a truck and shuttle over 100 sacks of rice and tarps for shelter from a town 5 hours away, making repeated all-day and all-night trips for two days.